четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

Vic: Police tapes played to murder trial

Vic: Police tapes played to murder trial

A recording of a police radio message, with an officer relaying information from adying colleague urging a search for two men, has been played to a Victorian Supreme Courtmurder trial.

The message was one of several played to the court detailing events after the deathsof 35-year-old Sergeant GARY SILK, and 34-year-old Senior Constable RODNEY MILLER.

Both were shot just after midnight on August 16, 1998, during a stakeout over a seriesof armed robberies in Melbourne's south-eastern suburbs.

BANDALI MICHAEL DEBS, aged 49, and 21-year-old JASON JOSEPH ROBERTS have pleaded NOTguilty to two counts of murder.

Sergeant SILK, who was shot in the head, chest and hip, died instantly at the scenein Cochranes Road, Moorabbin.

Constable MILLER, who was wounded with a single bullet which hit him in the chest,died later in hospital.

Today, the jury heard one officer, Sergeant DAVID PRATT, describe over the radio hisdiscovery of the body of Sgt SILK.

The trial before Justice PHIL CUMMINS continues tomorrow.

AAP RTV sew/jlw/wz/rp


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